Archive for the ‘PSA-Types’ Category

Unlocking your Car using…a tennis ball

Posted on February 2nd, 2007 in Dumb Things That Happen, Hands On/Build This!, How To's, PSA-Types | 2 Comments »

You know….when I read this…my first reaction was…you have GOT to be kidding me. Watched the video, and thought…dear god thats stupid.
It works.

To spare you the video: take a car with locked doors. Take tennis ball with small hole in it. Place tennis ball on the keyhold, with hole lined up with the keyhole. Press the ball as hard as you can, forcing air into the hole. Watch in amazment and disgust as your car now magically opens. Watch the video on Crooked Brains

The Procrastination Formula.

Posted on January 26th, 2007 in Dumb Things That Happen, PSA-Types, Science!, Time Wasters | Comments Off on The Procrastination Formula.

A psychologist, Piers Steel of the University of Calgary has created the equation for procrastinators.

Where, U=desire to complete task
E=expectation of success
V=value of completion
I=immediacy of task
D=personal sensitivity to delay

Wonderful…. 😛 Thanks for the nugget of genius 😉


Posted on December 6th, 2006 in Dumb Things That Happen, Photos/Videoes, PSA-Types, Time Wasters | Comments Off on Microwaves…

Now, remember when there were these videos on youtube of “Can you Blend it?!. YES YOU CAN!”  ?
Well…now, its, CAN YOU FRY IT! in a microwave. Some are very impressive…some are just meh. Then again, putting things in a microwave often isnt the best thing to do. Its fun anyways. 😛
Watch the videos here

The MOST Hilarious Article

Posted on October 18th, 2006 in Computer software/hardware, Dumb Things That Happen, PSA-Types, Tech News, Time Wasters | Comments Off on The MOST Hilarious Article

Ahhhahhaaaaa. This was brilliant. When i first read this, i was like, the person who wrote this, should be shot. Then…i got it 😛
Its absolutely awesome. Read it here. (tad bit long tho)

This Makes Me Sad. The Peace Clock has been Reset

Posted on October 11th, 2006 in PSA-Types | Comments Off on This Makes Me Sad. The Peace Clock has been Reset

The day N. Korea did its underground nuclear test, the Peace Memorial at Hiroshima reset its Peace Watch Tower clock.
I dont know what else to say about this….translation acquired from here

IE 7 Tomorrow??

Posted on October 9th, 2006 in Computer software/hardware, Downloads, PSA-Types, Tech News | Comments Off on IE 7 Tomorrow??

Perhaps. Tomorrow, we are going to get 11 patches from Microsoft. One is called a “High priority update” which apparently, their IE blog states hint hint is IE7. Tabbed browsing, RsS feeds, built in antiphishing. This will be interesting. I find it funny that this is all happening tomorrow. (or..shall i say, today. *clock reaches 12:00) Read it here. And lets see how much better IE7 is. Though, you can bet im still using FF. 😛

US Kids Lead Stressful Lives (NO DUH)

Posted on October 9th, 2006 in Dumb Things That Happen, PSA-Types, Science!, Time Wasters | Comments Off on US Kids Lead Stressful Lives (NO DUH)

You know, the fact that it took the American Academy of Pediatrics to say that kids are stressed out is just plain moronic. I believe any person who has ever been NEAR a child knows this fact. It was interesting that I found this article while also in the midst of freaking out about my psets and labs. Slightly different from the “enrichment” activities this articles talks about, but still, KIDS=STRESS. STRESS=BAD.
Pointing out the obvious. Read it here

Slightly Late Breaking News! Google Buys YouTube!

Posted on October 9th, 2006 in Computer software/hardware, PSA-Types, Tech News | Comments Off on Slightly Late Breaking News! Google Buys YouTube!

Yes, google bought it for 1.65 BIllion dollars. This is absolutely HUGE. Now, you gotta admit, YouTube is going to do great in this deal. Money, no more bandwidth problems, ya got the weight of google behind you, its great. They got video ads now, googles backing you against yahoo and microsoft video sites. Its now most definitely the most powerful video sharing site there is. Google? They get a huge arena for video ads! They will probably regain all this, *STOCK soon enough. Note that its going to be transfered in STOCK, and not solid cash.
This will get interesting….

Breaking News. Google vs Comcast?

Posted on September 26th, 2006 in Computer software/hardware, Dumb Things That Happen, PSA-Types, Tech News | 5 Comments »

Seems like it. We have a few reports according to the bostonist, along with our own confirmation. This absolutely SUCKS. Apparently, comcast is either intentionally or unintentionally blocking google services. Several reports say so, and I have confirmed atleast an extremely dead google site at our school network which uses comcast. Thank god i have verizon fios. lol. Read it here, and we’ll post updates

*EDIT: this has been confirmed FALSE. Just a comcast dns server fault. YAY!

Air Car $15,000

Posted on September 24th, 2006 in Historic Technology, PSA-Types, Science!, Tech News | Comments Off on Air Car $15,000

Now, lets see:
Car runs on plain air. Check
Car works. Check
Car exists. Check
Car to be sold next year. Check
Car can drive from CA to NY on one tank. Check
Car has awesome milage. Check
Car costs ~15,000 bucks. CHECK!

Go Go Go!

Although, I really think their idea of using aluminum as the chassis, is just slightly stupid, as aluminium is flammable. Provided, there is less gasoline in the engine now, but still, its “bloodly flammable.”
The plan uses compressed air as the force to drive the pistons up and down. For higher mileage and speed, it will use a bit of gasoline or biofuel to help the air. Takes a few min to compress all the tanks, which are made of carbon fiber ( 😀 )
It has an onboard compressor 😀 that will do its work in 4 hours when plugged in at home. This sounds more and more like the next revolution in transportation.
Now, lets get this thing into the market shall we?
Check out the video here