Archive for the ‘Picture of the Day’ Category

SUPER Zoom on Google Maps

Posted on March 7th, 2007 in Computer software/hardware, Google, Photos/Videoes, Picture of the Day, Tech News | 2 Comments »

Its actually possible, to zoom in super mode on google maps. Simply go to satellite view, zoom to the max. Click on the “link to this page” on the top right. Copy and paste this url into your address bar, and change the Z parameter to something higher. Amazingly, you can see very detailed things, such as camels, swimming pools, etc. Scary…wonder how many privacy laws this is breaking 😛
Thanks to Google Blogoscoped

Media Overload Post

Posted on February 19th, 2007 in Computer software/hardware, Downloads, Photos/Videoes, Picture of the Day, Science!, Site of the Day, Tech News, Time Wasters | Comments Off on Media Overload Post

To help my computer cope with having 90+ firefox tabs every time it boots, heres some really cool programs/pictures.

First off, anyone here use Adobe Premiere Pro or Premiere Elements? I know someone does….
Well, when you have a long audio but a short clip, you’d usually just truncate it, making it sound cut off at the end. No more! Quicktracks  by SmartSound has been made freeeeee. It will lengthen or shorten your audio to fit some length. I tried it with some music scores and it works quite well. Not sure about complex music with vocals though. Get it at SmartSound

Twingly Screensaver

Twingly takes blog activity and turns it to pricks on a US globe. Its a great screensaver if it didn’t use so much cpu/graphics, but…its understandable. Its a really cool screensaver, if only to turn on for a few seconds. Check it out: Twingly


Yes, its doodling…but in 3d. Who can argue anything against that? Its supposed to use Flock of Birds as input, but hey, you can make do with a mouse. Sadly, without the special interface, you can’t draw extremely complex images, but its still quite cool. Gotta use flash. Doodle at Squidsoup


cauliflowner never looked so uh…insanely intricate? I don’t think i’d be able to eat that thing…lol. I mean…look at it at Freedigitalphotos

Apple+Supersonic blast….

supersonic blast wins. And no, its not the computer brand. Just look at the crazy looking apple skin:

Thanks nebarnix

Why Lightbulbs have glass covering them…

Posted on February 5th, 2007 in Photos/Videoes, Picture of the Day, Site of the Day | 2 Comments »

Well….I’ve never actually tried taking a picture of it…but, heres a picture of a lightbulb being turned on, without its glass shell.

Note: the pink color at the top was adjusted.

That….is why theres glass. Thanks Rich Legg for the awesome picture!

Thought Experiment: Yahoo Designs Google Homepage

Posted on January 14th, 2007 in Computer software/hardware, Google, Photos/Videoes, Picture of the Day, Time Wasters | Comments Off on Thought Experiment: Yahoo Designs Google Homepage

Interesting…..thank Steve Bryant for the thought. Thank him for the image too! Its a very very funny though not very surprising homepage.

Although, as Forevergeek pointed out…its not exactly impossible either…with Personalized Homepages…you could theoretically make something like this, to the horror of all googlers. Thanks Steve: Google Watch

Alternate Store Names (Images)

Posted on January 12th, 2007 in Photos/Videoes, Picture of the Day, Time Wasters | Comments Off on Alternate Store Names (Images)

Very funny. Groggie started a thread where you take a picture of a store, and change it to its more realistic names. So, his example is Hallmark>>Overprized Cards.

My Personal Favorite?

Check it out: Something Awful Forums

History of Computer Languages! (wow…)

Posted on January 5th, 2007 in Computer software/hardware, Picture of the Day, Tech News, Time Wasters | Comments Off on History of Computer Languages! (wow…)

One huge flowchart of the evolution of computer languages. BIG HUGE LIST!
Very interesting. some things…i didnt think were origins. Computer Language History

Thanks Chris for the site 😀

Combined Post for Monday: Paper Based Storage System | NanoKnife | MIT Triforce | And More

Posted on November 27th, 2006 in Computer software/hardware, Dumb Things That Happen, How To's, Labs/Experiments, Photos/Videoes, Picture of the Day, Science!, Tech News, Time Wasters | Comments Off on Combined Post for Monday: Paper Based Storage System | NanoKnife | MIT Triforce | And More

Yes, another combined post…we have a plan…you will see at the end of the year. There is a reason to my combined posts. Kind of.

First off…

Paper Storage System:

And no…it is NOT a book. There is a “rumor” going about that this is false, that it is impossible. I really don’t know. It kind of makes sense, and kind of doesn’t. We shall see. Sainul Abideen says he has created something called “Rainbow Versatile Disc”(RVD) which uses paper, at the moment, and geometric shapes and colors to signify data. Apparently, on a single piece of paper 4×4 in, he had 432 pages of content stored. Video too!
Its biodegradable, costs 1/10th a CD and apparently, offers 131 times the storage capacity. Apparently, a sim sized piece of paper COULD hold 5 gigs of data. That really scares me. In the happy warm fuzzy way. Hopefully, this is real, because then its happy. 😛 There are still hurdles, like reading data, accurateness, etc. But…weeee! Read it here

Turn Excrement Blue:

Yes, the liquid and the solid parts too.
This is really kinda wierd…but apparently, methylene blue is ingestable, and it is not processed, and becomes output. I have a sneaky suspicion that this aint the most healthy for your body….but uh. it looks cool…kind of. Ok…I will stop writing now. Link
*FLB Takes No Responsibility in Bodily Injury Resulting from this Website.

The NanoKnife:

oh yes…there are these sci-fi books, where there are knives or blades that cut extremely finely. Most of them are really obscure and half of you have prob never read them before. Anyways, scientists have this idea of, hmm. Lets take carbon nanotube, string it with high tension over something like a cheese slicer, and voila, nanoknife! Really sharp…Of course, really delicate. They want to see if it can cut wax. 😛
Well…ya gotta go one step at a time. Atleast this is a REALLY SHARP *ting! blade. Read the article here

Speed Talking:

ok…this is a weird kind of video, but its kinda cool. I wonder how he learned how to do this. Anyways, in this, the guy recites a ton of stuff in really fast manner, but its actually understandable. Kind of. Weird…watch it here (google video)

Programmer Jokes:

not much to explain here. Its a pretty long one. The title is: Top 20 Replies to Programmers to Testers when their programs don’t work. Right. its not really a joke…but its kinda funny. Read it here

And finally….The TriForce…on top of the MIT Dome of course

this is really kind of late…but mit students erected a large Zelda Triforce ontop of the main dome of MIT. Interesting picture…See it here

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted on November 24th, 2006 in Photos/Videoes, Picture of the Day | 2 Comments »

Yes, i know, its just a tad bit late, but I felt that this picture had to be shown.

Let’s sing it together, everyone.


“I aaaate too moishe
Too moishe is what I ate
I ate too moishe
I ate too moishe
I ate too moishe
IIIIIIII aaaaaaaaate too mooooishe!”
Thanks Meg at Cute Overload 😀

Picture of the Day

Posted on October 24th, 2006 in Photos/Videoes, Picture of the Day | Comments Off on Picture of the Day

A snowflake. Yup. So some people are saying its fake, i dont really care, its still pretty cool. Check it out:

but itd be really nice if it was real 😛
from here

The Scary Picture of the Day. (picture)

Posted on October 21st, 2006 in Photos/Videoes, Picture of the Day | Comments Off on The Scary Picture of the Day. (picture)

Yes, um. If i saw this in real life, i’d be running AWAY. Or, more preferably, testing the extreme limits of my car.
Here is one picture. Check the site out here