Archive for the ‘How To’s’ Category

Sending an email….

Posted on February 12th, 2007 in Computer software/hardware, Dumb Things That Happen, How To's, Time Wasters | Comments Off on Sending an email….

Are you bored? Do you have nothing better to do than find different ways of sending email? Well….here’s your chance. Did you know that you could be a crazy command prompt idiot and send all your emails through TELNET?….
well…now you can.

Why not telnet email? 😛
In windows, just run command prompt
type telnet
type o 25  where is your smtp server. could also by smtp.server.ext
and now…we turn over the tutorial to ricky. 😀
Ricky’s Web Review contains the rest of the steps to email your friends through telnet. Good luck….
You can also send email through your own computer by setting it up to be an smtp server of it self through ISS
or…you can write vb script to do it. Either way…your an idiot for not using gmail. 🙂 but…it can be fun to send email via telnet. lol
Check it out at Ricky’s Web Review

Fix IE7 so its Normal!

Posted on February 9th, 2007 in Computer software/hardware, Dumb Things That Happen, How To's, Tech News | Comments Off on Fix IE7 so its Normal!

Ever since i upgraded to IE7, one of my major annoyances was the way the menu bar is located. Seriously though, WHY did they have to move it?? Its just not natural for the menu bar to be UNDER something. I couldn’t move it either. It was annoying. Very…
Well…it seems as if a bit of registry editing will do the trick.

Here is how you do it. Copy the following text into a text file:


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\WebBrowser\]

Its the stuff in bold. Save the text file, then change the extension to .reg
Double click on it now that it has the nice registry icon, and let it update the registry. Voila, your IE is fixed.
Now…if someone could figure out if its possible to make it not try to test if about:blank is a phishing site. It shouldn’t take 3 whole seconds to load BLANK. ….
Thanks Unhandled Perception!

Burning *almost* ANY video file to DVD

Posted on February 6th, 2007 in Computer software/hardware, How To's, Tech News | Comments Off on Burning *almost* ANY video file to DVD

Wonderful tool. Its a holy grail for me 😛
DVD Flick is a DVD authoring tool. free and absurdly easy to use too!
With it, (its a windows tool) you can create a dvd project. Do nothing except import in your video. It will self encode AND burn for you! Saves you the trouble from first encoding the right way, then formatting it for a DVD, then burning it. Check it out: DVD Flick

How To: Etched Aluminum at home!

Posted on February 6th, 2007 in Hands On/Build This!, How To's, Science! | Comments Off on How To: Etched Aluminum at home!

An interesting and very easy way to etch thin aluminum boxes at home. They use an altoids can. Follow the instructions 😉
I’ll stick this into the wiki sometime soon after I finish some reading. Ought to be handy to remember sometime. Read it at Instructables, the place for DIY’ers

Unlocking your Car using…a tennis ball

Posted on February 2nd, 2007 in Dumb Things That Happen, Hands On/Build This!, How To's, PSA-Types | 2 Comments »

You know….when I read this…my first reaction was…you have GOT to be kidding me. Watched the video, and thought…dear god thats stupid.
It works.

To spare you the video: take a car with locked doors. Take tennis ball with small hole in it. Place tennis ball on the keyhold, with hole lined up with the keyhole. Press the ball as hard as you can, forcing air into the hole. Watch in amazment and disgust as your car now magically opens. Watch the video on Crooked Brains

Photoshop Tutorial: Orton Effect

Posted on February 1st, 2007 in Computer software/hardware, How To's, Photos/Videoes | Comments Off on Photoshop Tutorial: Orton Effect

Thank you, for this very nice tutorial. The Orton Effect is usually using an overexposed image with an out of focus image that are then added together. Now…you can do this digitally using Photoshop. All photoshop tutorials and, in fact all other tutorials will eventually make it to the Flashladybug Wiki. If you would like to help add stuff to it, come and join! Flashladybug Wiki

And now…the Orton Effect

Tip for Coders

Posted on January 8th, 2007 in Computer software/hardware, How To's | Comments Off on Tip for Coders

Quite randomly, I found this article that had a nifty tip for reading code. Say, someone gives you code and you need to edit it, or you need to add to it, but don’t understand what the person has done. It may be quite obvious, but you can read the code as if you just typed it. So you might type out the code again, thinking about what it actually does. I tried it out with some java code i was writing, and voila! it actually made sense. It was quicker than actually trying to puzzle it out mentally. This could be an obvious trick, i just didn’t think of it before.

Happy Coding 😀


Posted on December 27th, 2006 in Computer software/hardware, How To's | 1 Comment »

Filling out a nasty form that wants your phone number? If you dont trust it enough to give your phone number to, you can use craigsnumber.
Give it the time you want the disposable number for, a cellphone number, and voila! you have it for the time you asked for. Its quite useful, though i haven’t had to use it yet. Probably will come in handy later on.


Booting Windows XP from USB and Slipstreaming

Posted on November 29th, 2006 in Computer software/hardware, Hands On/Build This!, How To's, Tech News | Comments Off on Booting Windows XP from USB and Slipstreaming

So, here, you will learn how to make a usb-booting Windows XP installation. I have linux on my usb key, but you know that sometimes, having a fresh install of windows would be best. Now you can!

The problem: Your PC must support boot from USB.  Your usb key has to be a MINium of 256 mb and a MAX of 2 gigs.

First, you might want SP2 installed on the windows that will go on your usb key. And just maybe the gazillion patches. How do you do that? Slipstreaming!

Its a pretty length process, and to help, just go here

When you have your slipstreamed copy of windows,  you need to prep your usb key by using an HP format tool, along with BartPE
Using the HP format tool, format the drive using the FAT file system option. Next, you need the windows boot files. Go to C: in my computer. Go into tools>>folder options>>view>>select show hidden files+folders. deselect hide extensions, and the hide proetected operating system files. Press ok

In C: find boot.ini, NTLDR, and NTDETECT. copy those over to your usb key.

Open up PEBuilder. Select the location of your windows install files. Make sure Create ISO+burn to cd is deselected. Press build.

When it is done, open up command prompt. cd to C:\pebuilder313\plugin\peinst
stick in your usb key.
run PEINST.cmd through the command prompt.
See the nice black and white menu?
Type 1, enter.
Type the path to your build: probably C:\pebuilder313\BartPE
Type 2, enter
Type the drive letter of your usb key for the destination
Type 5, enter.
Watch your usb blink its happy little led mind off.

Installing programs is slightly harder, and I recommend you go here, and scroll to the middle of the article. Have fun!

Ok. Assuming you know how to make your computer boot from usb so its priority is higher than HDD, do it.

Combined Post for Monday: Paper Based Storage System | NanoKnife | MIT Triforce | And More

Posted on November 27th, 2006 in Computer software/hardware, Dumb Things That Happen, How To's, Labs/Experiments, Photos/Videoes, Picture of the Day, Science!, Tech News, Time Wasters | Comments Off on Combined Post for Monday: Paper Based Storage System | NanoKnife | MIT Triforce | And More

Yes, another combined post…we have a plan…you will see at the end of the year. There is a reason to my combined posts. Kind of.

First off…

Paper Storage System:

And no…it is NOT a book. There is a “rumor” going about that this is false, that it is impossible. I really don’t know. It kind of makes sense, and kind of doesn’t. We shall see. Sainul Abideen says he has created something called “Rainbow Versatile Disc”(RVD) which uses paper, at the moment, and geometric shapes and colors to signify data. Apparently, on a single piece of paper 4×4 in, he had 432 pages of content stored. Video too!
Its biodegradable, costs 1/10th a CD and apparently, offers 131 times the storage capacity. Apparently, a sim sized piece of paper COULD hold 5 gigs of data. That really scares me. In the happy warm fuzzy way. Hopefully, this is real, because then its happy. 😛 There are still hurdles, like reading data, accurateness, etc. But…weeee! Read it here

Turn Excrement Blue:

Yes, the liquid and the solid parts too.
This is really kinda wierd…but apparently, methylene blue is ingestable, and it is not processed, and becomes output. I have a sneaky suspicion that this aint the most healthy for your body….but uh. it looks cool…kind of. Ok…I will stop writing now. Link
*FLB Takes No Responsibility in Bodily Injury Resulting from this Website.

The NanoKnife:

oh yes…there are these sci-fi books, where there are knives or blades that cut extremely finely. Most of them are really obscure and half of you have prob never read them before. Anyways, scientists have this idea of, hmm. Lets take carbon nanotube, string it with high tension over something like a cheese slicer, and voila, nanoknife! Really sharp…Of course, really delicate. They want to see if it can cut wax. 😛
Well…ya gotta go one step at a time. Atleast this is a REALLY SHARP *ting! blade. Read the article here

Speed Talking:

ok…this is a weird kind of video, but its kinda cool. I wonder how he learned how to do this. Anyways, in this, the guy recites a ton of stuff in really fast manner, but its actually understandable. Kind of. Weird…watch it here (google video)

Programmer Jokes:

not much to explain here. Its a pretty long one. The title is: Top 20 Replies to Programmers to Testers when their programs don’t work. Right. its not really a joke…but its kinda funny. Read it here

And finally….The TriForce…on top of the MIT Dome of course

this is really kind of late…but mit students erected a large Zelda Triforce ontop of the main dome of MIT. Interesting picture…See it here