Archive for the ‘Hands On/Build This!’ Category

Recycling used CD containers

Posted on April 5th, 2007 in Hands On/Build This!, How To's, Time Wasters | 5 Comments »

If you burn plenty of cd’s or dvds, your bound to have a few of these floating around. Those hollow cylinders that hold your cd/dvd with a foam disc. What use are they once your done?
Well…do you like bagels? I do…
Think about this. Bagel+CD container. Better yet, make it a bagel sandwich, and youve got a bagel to go container. Just make sure you rinse out the cd case before you use it for food….and make sure there arent cds in there 😉
Thanks rodrigo piwonka

What do you do…when your ipod battery dies?

Posted on February 24th, 2007 in Computer software/hardware, Hands On/Build This!, How To's, Photos/Videoes | 3 Comments »

Do you go to the apple store and pay a ton of money to get it changed? could. OR, you could go and watch this how to movie and learn how to do it yourself. Its very simple, and easy. First though, try a reset. sometimes, it may have lost its sync with the battery and a reset will do the trick. Watch the video on Ifixipodsfast

Note: If your Ipod is still under warranty by all means bring it to the apple store, and flashladybug accepts no responsibility for any damage that may result from any attempts to repair a broken Ipod.

Big Combined Post :-)

Posted on February 18th, 2007 in Dumb Things That Happen, Hands On/Build This!, How To's, Labs/Experiments, Photos/Videoes, PSA-Types, Science!, Tech News, Time Wasters | 2 Comments »

Dilbert Movie
First off…..theres going to be…a DILBERT MOVIE!
Warner Bros via Chris Columbus has gotten movie rights to the Dilbert Comic. Woot!

Who wants Coca Cola when you can get OPEN SOURCE Coca Cola?!
Presenting…OpenCola. Amazingly, people say it actually tastes like Coke and Pepsi combined. The can even says “check out the source at” If you go, its actually a recipe FOR OpenCola. The recipe is..of course, licensed under the GNU General Public License. Crazy people…Sadly, the website that made it at first died after selling a some cans, but hey…its open source. Go go GO! Open Source Coca Cola

UN Radiation Warning Signs

the UN has decided that they need universal radiation signs. and i quote “the new symbol will not be visible under normal use, but only if someone attempts to disassemble a device that is a source of dangerous radiation”….uhhhh…ok…
crazy…check it out at the UN site

Finally, NukeProof USB Drive

now, plenty of these usb drives have been taken to the test. The bullet proof usb key was recently tested and it surprisingly withstood quite a few blasts, cept a shotgun. Now…this one, i dont think anyone is eager to test. Nuke proof? WHO NEEDS ONE? Anyways…check it out at Slashgear

PayPerPost: Review My Post

Posted on February 16th, 2007 in Computer software/hardware, Hands On/Build This!, PSA-Types, Tech News, The Never Ending Story/Other FLB Events | Comments Off on PayPerPost: Review My Post

Review My Post is an interesting program provided by PayPerPost. If a blogger goes to your blog, reads a post, and blogs about in their own blog via the “Review My Post,” that blogger gets some money for the post as well as you. Its an interesting concept thats simply an evolved form of referrals, but its probably very effective. This is definitely a good opportunity for bloggers to build traffic and offset their costs. We’ll give it a shot.
Heres how it goes:
Flashladybug has its PayPerPost account.
We post anything. Lets just say….quantum computers and their influence on cheese production
You…a blogger, have read abovementioned post and have decided that its totally wrong. that its totally right, that we’re all on drugs.
You click on the “Review my post” button that will be located under each post.
You sign in/create a PayPerPost account.
You write your post and finish the assignment.
Once it has been verified, Flashladybug gets money, you get money
We all get money
We’re happy.
See, its simple, easy, and ya know what? it supports both you and us!
We shall implement this feature soon, probably tomorrow. For now, you can check out the specifics at the PPP site and generate traffic.

Oh, and just for your knowledge:

All posts that are paid for via PayPerPost on this blog shall have that nice blue bar indicating that we have received monetary compensation. However, please note that very few opportunities exist where the tone of the post is either positive or negative. Its usually neutral. Also, if we do not agree with the post’s required tone, I wont do it. All the ideas and reviews shall be from the poster and not affected by the payment. Thanks!

How To: Etched Aluminum at home!

Posted on February 6th, 2007 in Hands On/Build This!, How To's, Science! | Comments Off on How To: Etched Aluminum at home!

An interesting and very easy way to etch thin aluminum boxes at home. They use an altoids can. Follow the instructions 😉
I’ll stick this into the wiki sometime soon after I finish some reading. Ought to be handy to remember sometime. Read it at Instructables, the place for DIY’ers

Unlocking your Car using…a tennis ball

Posted on February 2nd, 2007 in Dumb Things That Happen, Hands On/Build This!, How To's, PSA-Types | 2 Comments »

You know….when I read this…my first reaction was…you have GOT to be kidding me. Watched the video, and thought…dear god thats stupid.
It works.

To spare you the video: take a car with locked doors. Take tennis ball with small hole in it. Place tennis ball on the keyhold, with hole lined up with the keyhole. Press the ball as hard as you can, forcing air into the hole. Watch in amazment and disgust as your car now magically opens. Watch the video on Crooked Brains

Model Ship….floating on….gas!

Posted on January 11th, 2007 in Hands On/Build This!, Photos/Videoes, Science! | Comments Off on Model Ship….floating on….gas!

Watch the video. See a boat floating on thin air. THe guy pours air on it, and it sinks!
no….hexafluoride 😀

Very cool. Watch it: Physikshow Bonn

Booting Windows XP from USB and Slipstreaming

Posted on November 29th, 2006 in Computer software/hardware, Hands On/Build This!, How To's, Tech News | Comments Off on Booting Windows XP from USB and Slipstreaming

So, here, you will learn how to make a usb-booting Windows XP installation. I have linux on my usb key, but you know that sometimes, having a fresh install of windows would be best. Now you can!

The problem: Your PC must support boot from USB.  Your usb key has to be a MINium of 256 mb and a MAX of 2 gigs.

First, you might want SP2 installed on the windows that will go on your usb key. And just maybe the gazillion patches. How do you do that? Slipstreaming!

Its a pretty length process, and to help, just go here

When you have your slipstreamed copy of windows,  you need to prep your usb key by using an HP format tool, along with BartPE
Using the HP format tool, format the drive using the FAT file system option. Next, you need the windows boot files. Go to C: in my computer. Go into tools>>folder options>>view>>select show hidden files+folders. deselect hide extensions, and the hide proetected operating system files. Press ok

In C: find boot.ini, NTLDR, and NTDETECT. copy those over to your usb key.

Open up PEBuilder. Select the location of your windows install files. Make sure Create ISO+burn to cd is deselected. Press build.

When it is done, open up command prompt. cd to C:\pebuilder313\plugin\peinst
stick in your usb key.
run PEINST.cmd through the command prompt.
See the nice black and white menu?
Type 1, enter.
Type the path to your build: probably C:\pebuilder313\BartPE
Type 2, enter
Type the drive letter of your usb key for the destination
Type 5, enter.
Watch your usb blink its happy little led mind off.

Installing programs is slightly harder, and I recommend you go here, and scroll to the middle of the article. Have fun!

Ok. Assuming you know how to make your computer boot from usb so its priority is higher than HDD, do it.

Combined Post: Time Travel|PowerShell|Super Flashlight|Freebies!|Funny Animation|Procmon

Posted on November 25th, 2006 in Computer software/hardware, Downloads, Hands On/Build This!, How To's, Photos/Videoes, Science!, Site of the Day, Tech News, Time Wasters | 6 Comments »

This is to spare you the tedium of scrolling through 6 posts.

Time Travel:

University of Washington, Physicist John Cramer (My Phys teacher has said their all crazy) is trying something interesting. He wants to split a photon. Then he wants to test “quantum retrocausality.” normal words: Have a photon go backward in time.
Oh, and after dinner, he wants to cure cancer. Bedtime, he hopes to find eco-friendly powersources.
Ok, seriously, he wants to find a photon going backwards in time. He says “If it does work, you could receive the signal 50 microseconds before you send it”. nice! Thats awesome.

I must give props to for the awesome writeup. Tome Paulson gets a thumbs-up for his great writing.

Roughly put, Cramer is talking about the subatomic equivalent of
arriving at the train station before you’ve left home, of winning the
lottery before you’ve bought the ticket, of graduating from high school
before you’ve been born — or something like that.
“It probably won’t work,” he said again carefully, peering through his
large glasses as if to determine his audience’s mental capacity for
digesting the information.

There is a principle called Entaglement, which means that two photons are completely linked, no matter distance. Lightyears away, if one photon tilts up, the other tilts down, whatever happens to one, happens in some way to the other with no (or undetectable) time delay. Somehow, Cramer is going to make the photon go backward in time. I have no idea! or else I would be his assistant 😛

Read the article here. Maybe you’ll know whats in the article before you read it 😉


Windows PowerShell:

Microsoft has released the PowerShell. A new version of the command prompt, its a powerful (get it?) command line similar to BASH for linux systems. However, its for windows! Its more admin focused, allows better automation, administrative functions, and is easy to learn. It runs on everything after and including XP. I have it installed, and I must say, its pretty useful, surprisingly 😛
Get it here


Super Flashlight:

Yes, the “Ultimate Night Vision Headlamp” with 500+ LUMENS! running on a mere 8 watts. That…is pretty impressive. Especially considering its running equivalent to a 500 buck headlamp, but instead…you can build it yourself!
Its 7 million mcd’s, 460 grams total, uses LEDs, rechargeable, and best of all..costs 60 bucks to build!

Reason why it works: Cyan LEDS: high power/high efficiency LEDS

To save space, and incase the site goes down, this is what you need:

4 x Luxeon Star 1W Cyan (LXHL-ME1D or LXHL-ME1C) OR Green (LXHL-MM1C or LXHL-MM1D) – $3 each

old CPU heatsink (around 5cm x 5cm x 1.5cm)
LED Dynamics Buckpuck (3021-D-I-1000 or 3021-D-E-1000) – $20
4 x L2Optics OP-015 lens – $1 each
4 x L2Optics OH-ES1-CL lens holder – $0.30 each
8-10 x AA NiMH rechargeables, or 3 x Lithium-ION rechargeables – $20 total for NiMH
2 small toggle switches (digikey 519PB) – $1.50 each
1 large toggle switch (digikey 514PB) – $2
flexible stranded wire
sheath for wire
silicone or epoxy
thermal compound (also known as thermal grease or heatsink compound) – $5
plastic or fiberglass for heatsink mount
old headlamp headband

With that, good luck. Just kidding, for full instructions, go here
Remember. 500 lumens, is FRIGGIN BRIGHT. Do not shine this in other peoples eyes. It may cause bodily damage.


Presenting. Giveaway of the Day:

Now, lets guess shall we? What does Giveaway of the Day do?
hmm. It gives free stuff away! Yes. But…what is this free stuff? In this case, its free software. That isn’t actually free!
They find software, somehow get it free for one day. You visit their site every day, they have a new piece of software that day. You download it, install it, and it comes with a “unlocker” from Giveaway. Run that the day you download it, and voila, free software. I found this site a while ago, they started small. But right now, its gotten to critical point. In the words of their webmaster:

Attention: During the past few days we reached high enough
popularity to start distributing world-wide known software products.
Get ready for some surprising giveaways very soon!

Yay! Check it out here and Check every week!


Animator vs Animation: The video
It is a very very nice animation in Flash where a stick figure revolts! Its very very funny and good. Kudos to the creator, Alan Becker.
After you watch this, theres a sequel! where it goes out of just macromedia flash, and into the desktop. Aim, Firefox, and all sorts of other programs get involved too. Its great 😛
Watch it here


Finally. Procmon
Sysinternals, now part of Microsoft, has created Procmon, a merge between the old Filemon and Regmon. Now, it keeps track of pretty much everything that happens in your computer, from filesystem, registry, and process activity. You can even filter and log processes based on SisID and usernames. Its Quite good. 😀 I have it on my usb key. Get it here

A Science Experiment In Marbles

Posted on November 5th, 2006 in Dumb Things That Happen, Hands On/Build This!, How To's, Labs/Experiments, Photos/Videoes, Science!, Time Wasters | Comments Off on A Science Experiment In Marbles

Now, you know those blenders sitting in your kitchen? Do you think yours can blend marbles?…apparently, this guy did. And he ended up with glass dust which kinda just flowed out of the blender when he opened it. I think its 1)really cool and 2) REALLY dangerous. Like…very dangerous. Ever heard of asbestos? well, I’m wondering what glass dust might do to your lungs………..

Well, the video is pretty cool, watch it here
(and yes, I’m unloading about a months worth of saved up posts on you, though its going to be spread out)
*Edit: Forgot the link 😛