Repost: Synergy
Posted on November 2nd, 2009 in Computer software/hardware, Downloads, For Macs, Linux, Software/Hardware Reviews | 6 Comments »
Perhaps I’m just trying to get back into things…but lets start off the supposed revival of flashladybug with a repost.
I only recently, and I mean *recently* discovered the true usefulness of Synergy.
I posted this waaaay back in December, ’08. Reaaaly long time ago.
In any case, I tried this up on my desktop and laptop, stuck them side-by-side. My current setup is Left Panel, Center Panel, Laptop Display.
With synergy, I essentially have a 3 panel desk! The only thing that is missing is that I cannot move windows between the desktop and laptop screen. They are working on that, and I gotta admit, if they succeeded in doing that somehow, this would be quite an app.
In anycase, brief summary: Lets you share the use of a mouse and keyboard across computers, regardless of platform/OS. Copy paste is retained between the machines, and it works with almost no lag on a wifi network.
Synergy could be the easy way of adding productivity without having to shell out for a new video card and monitor 😛
6 Responses
Wonderful equipment on your part and maintain the weblog in the same manner.
Hi MJ, I made this tie to fit my husband and the mureeaemsnt of his actual neck is 43 cm (17 ). Keep in mind that as the tie is cut on the bias, different fabrics will handle and stretch differently. For example, the poly/cotton gingham shown in the photos is quite stable, but not thick, so it has a moderate amount of give and fits him perfectly. I made another tie out of a floppier rayon, which stretched quite a lot along the bias, and as such was a little loose. Hope this helps!
I don't have any qualms about personal calls at the office as long as it isn't too frequent and doesn't take too long. after all, everybody does it, so why worry. 🙂
That’s way more clever than I was expecting. Thanks!
FörtydligandeNär jag kollade på programmet igen såg jag att det område i höger hjärnhalva som aktiverades på barnet som, inte hade någon vänsterhalva, snarast verkade motsvara Brocas område vilket kanske är förvånande eftersom testet som utfördes verkade vara ett talförståelsetest. För tydlighets skull tror jag inte heller att man utryckligen nämnde Brocas eller Wernickes område i programmet. Men hursomhelst klart intressant tycker jag.
Nicosia has a lot of soul in her. Not visible at first but you find it once you give her a chance. Every corner has a meaning. Moves in her slow pace – but she’s definately a keeper