Ultra HD Video at Comcast HQ
Posted on June 25th, 2008 in Dumb Things That Happen, Photos/Videoes, Picture of the Day, Tech News, Time Wasters | Comments Off on Ultra HD Video at Comcast HQ
Funny…Comcast High Speed internet is slowly throttling their bandwidth, cutting off their customers slowly, have crappy customer service, and what do they do?
Lets install a super high def video demo at our HQ of 10 million pixels and let the 1 person who walks in marvel at our awesomness 😛
But, enough with that, Comcast installed this “screen” of 10 million LEDS at their headquarters and demonstrates super HD video quality.
It includes an automated video room that handles the 27 terabytes of video that is required to fully use the thing.
Check it out at DVICE