AllSnap and DesktopCoral
Posted on April 20th, 2008 in Downloads, Tech News, Time Wasters | Comments Off on AllSnap and DesktopCoral
So, today’s post is about managing your desktop space. You know how it is, sometimes you’ll open up a screen and want it as big as you can….BUT without covering some other window…like, maybe your aim window on the right side. Heh, you press the max button and its gone!
You can use DesktopCoral to reserve a portion of the desktop that allows certain programs to exist, and others aren’t allowed to maximize into.
At the same time, you can use AllSnap to align your windows perfectly.
I know..alot of us have to have those windows line up exactly! Well…allsnap will let you snap em together 😛 You can even designate lines on your desktop to snap to. Its pretty interesting, and i’m sure someone who really has to have everything line up will love both of these apps.