Big. HUGE. Experiment!
Posted on December 21st, 2006 in Historic Technology, Science!, Tech News | 1 Comment »
The Compact Muon Solenoid CMS particle detector is being constructed at CERN in Geneva. The thing is HUGE! What its going to do, is have the Large Hadron Collider accelerator hit a particle inside the CMS. It will (should) (better…) show us what the universe may have looked like instants after the big bang and allow us to track and find fun particles. Mainly, the Higgs-Boson. 😀
We shall see….it will be turned on around Christmas 2007. A nice present for those crazy physicists. Yay! Science Daily
One Response
Asa este, dar nu cu orice pret. Pentru ca pretul poate fi atit de mare, incit sa nu merite acest lucru. Gindeste-te ca ceea ce s-a intimplat a ridicat cota PDL, iar &#il10;ies8ri2e„ din contextul democratiei, dovedesc lipsa unor principii, a unei doctrine si atrag penalizarile celor pentru care aceste lucruri sunt modus vivendi.